Property Inventory Reporting Software
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Compiling a Midterm/Interim Report with Inventory Egg

For the basics of creating a Property Report with Inventory Egg, see Inventory-Report support!

There's more info on our blog on principles of Midterm/Interim inspections & reports

For more details of producing a Midterm/Interim report, read on here...

Creating a Midterm Report from an existing Inventory

From the App HomePage, choose 'Add/New'.

Screenshot, Adding a Midterm/Interim Report

Then choose 'Midterm/Interim' as the report-type.

Screenshot, Choose Midterm/Interim report-type

Once on the 'Add Midterm' page, use the Property/Report Lookup function:

Screenshot, Midterm lookup Inventory Report

Start typing the property address, then tap on the current property from the dropdown.

A list of any historical reports for the property shows in the List-Box below. Tap on the latest Inventory Report:

Screenshot, Midterm Lookup Property Inventory Report

Property/Report details are brought into the new report and the address field automatically populated:

'Save' the new Midterm Report, which references the most recent Inventory Report.

Screenshot, Save the Midterm Report

Compiling the Midterm Report

Tap on the new Midterm report in the Reports-List to open it. Then tap 'Start Report', when you are ready to begin logging information in the report.

The Report-Date is recorded at this point and will show on the report.

Screenshot, Start Midterm Report button

Midterm/Interim report logging

Within various sections of the report (e.g. Rooms/Items, Health/Safety, Services/Utilities, schedule of condition etc) you should see information and photos from the original Inventory Report which are available for reference.

There are also empty fields, for recording the Midterm inspection. Midterm fields are displayed with Yellow background & an Orange border.

However, since the Midterm Report is primarily aimed at highlighting more significant issues (as opposed to a Check Out, where all changes, apart from those due to wear and tear, need to be recorded) the main areas of focus for the Midterm report should be:

1) General overview

An update to the Property General Overview is useful provide a brief summary of the current state of the property.

Screenshot, Midterm report, Property Overview

2) Schedule of Condition

Subsections within the Schedule of Condition section provide a Midterm dropdown menu and Midterm notes field. Use the Midterm fields to provide a Condition summary in each subsection.

Screenshot Midterm report Schedule of Condition

3) Room Overview sections

Provide an update of the Room Overview for each room, particularly where changes have taken place. Note: for significant room/item damage or issues, individual Flags can be added (see Flags section below).

It's also possible to take a photo in the Midterm Room-Overview section.

Screenshot, Midterm report, Room Overview

4) Flags

Flags can be added to bring attention to any significant issues identified during the Midterm/Interim inspection.

Whilst mention of these issues may be made in other areas such as the Schedule of Condition or Room Overview, it is important to create Flags for issues that require attention to ensure that they're adequately visible in the PDF report.

Flags appear on the PDF export as distinct, numbered entries, providing easy visibility of Issues and Problems.

For example, where an item of furniture has been damaged, a Flag can be added within the section for the item.

Flags can be raised in almost any section of the report, including Rooms, Items, Health/Safety, Services/Utilities, Appliances etc.

Click 'Add Flag' to start adding a flag:

Screenshot, Midterm Item Flag button

For the Flag, set the Flag Type and Responsibility to the relevant settings.

For a midterm report, a cleaning issue might not warrant a Flag unless it is severe. (However, for a Check Out report, any cleaning issue would usually be logged.)

Similarly, for slight damage, the issue may not require attention during the Midterm inspection, although at the final Check Out, unless fixed, it should certainly be raised.

Screenshot, Item Flag Fields, Issue Type and Responsibility

Then 'Save' the Flag. Once saved, a Text-Notes field and Photo-Bar appear, where you provide information and take photos.

Where a section has flags added, the 'View Flags' button becomes available, showing all flags in that section.

Screenshot, View Midterm/Interim Flags button

Tapping 'View Flags' shows all flags for that section.

Screenshot, View Midterm Flags screen

Alternatively, tap the 'Browse Flags' entry under the Dropdown Menu to see a list of All Flags for the report.

Screenshot, Midterm Report Flags menu

Viewing all flags for the Midterm/Interim report.

Screenshot, Midterm view all report Flags

Where a Flag has been added for an Item, the Flag icon will show alongside the Item.

Screenshot, Midterm Flag Icon on Item

Work through these sections in the Midterm report, filling out Midterm fields where relevant, logging Flags where significant issues have been identified.

Backup of the Report

Backup the report to ensure that no information is lost, tapping the 'Manage' button to access to backup page. The report can be backed-up at any time before completion. It's recommended to backup reports over Wifi, particularly with large reports incorporating many Photos.

Screenshot, manage (backup) Midterm property report

Screenshot, backup/submit Midterm report

Finalising the Midterm report

Once the Midterm report is complete, it should be Signed by Tenant(s) and the Inspector/Clerk. More info on signing.

After signing, Submit the Report to the server. Note: it is possible to backup/submit a report without signing so that a printed version can be signed later. However, it's recommended to sign within the app, where possible, so that a record of signing is maintained within the online report.

Once backed-up/submitted, report details can be seen on the website dashboard and the report can be exported as a PDF.

Report Templates and Property/Report Lookup

See the Property/Report Lookup and Report Templates support page